Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Netbeans 6.5 - a new world...

Netbeans 6.5 is the best version on Netbeans I have worked on so far - unfortunately coming out at a time I had already switched to MyEclipse. It is lightening FAST and more responsive. Also most user frustrations have been fixed in this release. Here are a list of notable features included in this release :-
  • Better Javascript debugging
  • Support for open source libraries
  • Spring and Grails support *** (Much better than Eclipse plugin)
  • Hot deploy
  • Improved Swing GUI builder (Wonder who uses this!!)
  • Javadoc improvements
  • Improved Eclipse project imports - definitely ;-)
Complete list of features is here : http://wiki.netbeans.org/NewAndNoteWorthyNB65

Release information is here : http://www.netbeans.org/community/releases/65/

Monday, March 23, 2009

Toad crashes on Compile References!!

Interestingly enough I discovered that Toad for Oracle 8 crashes when I compile references! Still researching...

How to solve "The Myeclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library"

This is for the question I posed on MyEclipse forum: http://www.myeclipseide.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=22990&highlight=

I installed a few plugins after installing MyEclipse and on restart I get the following msg->
"The Myeclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library."
I have no clue what went wrong I was installing through the eclipse dashboard

Solution: I find this is a problem with the installation of MyEclipse and can break at any new upgrade or installation restart

This happens due to the fact that You changed your installation directories at the time of installation which resulted in eclipse.ini getting confused and deleting itself during every major upgrade/ install.

In the MyEclipse installation, if you modify the Installation directory and the common software directory this error tends to happen. It is nothing to do with plugins or your configuration. I think it is bug in the Installation of MyEclipse. I could see that the installation creates c:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse and c:\Program Files\Genuitec\Common even before I specify the folders where I want this to be created which is absurd.