Bob Brodt trying to breathe some life back into this project and hopefully build a usable editor and deployment toolset. Have a look at this. I still had to make Apache ODE work with BPEL and use the BPEL Designer plugin. So instead of waiting for M5 release here are some steps I took to make it work. Sadly, I do not have a test machine and I do not know which is the magic step :-( I just did a bunch of things in the same direction.
- Use Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Version: 3.6.x Helios release
- Use Apache ODE 2.0 beta 2 or higher
- Get BPEL plugin from the update site : When I used it in Aug 2010 it was built and tested for Eclipse Ganymede (3.4.x) and was around version 0.4-0.5 stages
- Click Help –> Install New Software
- Add the following update site. Download the latest BPEL plugin, install and restart Eclipse
- Checked out all plugins from CVS for BPEL. Many companies block CVS ports. For me both 2401 was blocked while 443 and 80 were monitored for CVS traffic. I had to try this from home
- Get all dependencies like
- EMF Compare
- Latest version of JSDT and WST
- Changed file C:\Projects\org.eclipse.bpel\plugins\org.eclipse.bpel.examples.extensionPoints\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF to update dependencies :-
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core;bundle-version="1.1.0",
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui;bundle-version="1.1.0"
- I also removed a couple of WST dependencies to make it work since my WST was up to date.
- Install latest Tomcat version 6.0 or later (exe or zip) and drop the latest ODE file (>2.0 beta 2) ode.war into the webapps directory of Apache Tomcat
- To configure a launch configuration refer to the same manual section 2.2.2 You might have to increase the MaxPermSize in your eclipse settings. My settings in eclipse.ini were
- Set up the Eclipse BPEL Designer with ODE using section 2.3
- Create a sample project using section 3
- Finally you can copy the modified bpel/plugins to eclipse/plugins and overwrite the files. This will eliminate the need to deploy an eclipse application to get to the BPEL Designer.
- -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.5