Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Google Adsense Ads gets disabled

Google disabled my ads today saying "my AdSense account was found to be related to an account previously disabled for invalid click activity" as if I have all the time in the world to create Google accounts and they approve it!!! This means I am not allowed to participate further in Adsense and my money is properly returned to the affected advertisers. Woooooooooo....what a statement...I got scared.

Upon contacting them further, they kept on beating around the bush without any strong proof....haha (they never had one!) Google disabled all my friends Adsense accounts when they reached close to $40 and so unless you are a big website with CTR<1% dont ever use Adsense....it sucks BIG TIME!

1 comment:

  1. Fankly speaking, adsense never made any sense anyway.


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